What is 0.123 repeating as a fraction
The fraction of the repeating decimal 0. If you convert repeating decimals into a fraction, you see that the repeating decimals are rational.
It is a repeating decimal. Log in. Math and Arithmetic. Study now. See Answer. Best Answer. Study guides. Algebra 20 cards. A polynomial of degree zero is a constant term. The grouping method of factoring can still be used when only some of the terms share a common factor A True B False. The sum or difference of p and q is the of the x-term in the trinomial. A number a power of a variable or a product of the two is a monomial while a polynomial is the of monomials.
J's study guide 1 card. What is the name of Steve on minecraft's name. Steel Tip Darts Out Chart 96 cards. More answers. This answer is wrong dont put fake answers on here period. Q: What 0. Write your answer Related questions. What is the fraction for. What is the fraction of repeating 4? What is the fraction for 0. What is 3. What is 0. What is What is the fraction of the repeating decimal 0. As a side-note, if you find yoursefl needing some assistance with rounding calculations to significant figures, check out the Significant Figures Calculator by Quentin Truong.
Use this converter to check your calculation answers or to get help with figuring out the methodology behind converting a decimal number to a fraction.
As well as providing a result for your calculation, we also show you how the answer was achieved. This decimal to fraction calculator gives you the opportunity to represent repeating decimals by entering a figure into the 'Number of trailing decimal places to repeat' box. Simply enter the number of digits from the end of the decimal to repeat. For other non-repeating decimals, keep the default setting at 0.
As an example, if you want to convert a repeating decimal such as 1. Should you wish to add, subtract, multiply, divide or simplify fractions, please see the fractions calculator. If you have any problems using my decimal to fraction conversion tool, or any suggestions, please contact me.
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Use this calculator to convert a decimal number to a fraction. To convert a number with repeating decimals , enter the number of trailing decimal places digits from the end of the number to repeat.