Does anyone use appfabric

Average of 0 out of 5 stars 0 ratings Sign in to rate Close. Sign in to queue Sorry, an error occurred. Description Caching is a key technology for improving application performance and scale.

It does so by taking the load off your database, and moving frequently used data into a distributed memory storage that resides close to the application components accessing it. This session focuses on Windows Server AppFabric Caching technology and provides a technical view of how developers can take advantage of it. We first discuss the three types of data that exist in any type of system, and how to best cache each one of them. If you want to really, really understand caching and how to use it in the most optimal manner, this is the session for you!

Download: Slides View Slides Online. When you uninstall any cumulative update for Microsoft AppFabric 1. To work around this issue, follow these steps:. Download Microsoft AppFabric 1. Open the Command Prompt, and then run the. Leave the AppFabric 1. Use Windows Explorer to move to the root folder of the boot drive. Before you apply this cumulative update, you must have administrative credentials on the computer where you install the software.

The English version of this cumulative update package has the file attributes or later file attributes that are listed in the following table. When you view the file information, it is converted to local time. Introducing AppFabric 1. Connection strings and configuration files. Windows Server AppFabric Dashboard page. General information about how to configure AppFabric 1.

Windows Server AppFabric 1. Need more help? Expand your skills. Get new features first. Was this information helpful?

Yes No. Thank you! Needed easy-to-use data management platform that could handle unpredictable loads for their London Olympics travel application. AppFabric Caching: What Now? A better alternative Luckily, ScaleOut Software has been loyally serving the.

It avoids the need for a centralized configuration store which is a single point of failure by automatically replicating its configuration files on every cluster host. System administrators do not need to create and manage a configuration store; this is automatically handled by ScaleOut StateServer.

Servers automatically form a new membership and rebalance the workload as needed. The membership self-heals after a server failure, restoring redundancy for high availability and redistributing the workload as necessary.

Holistic visualization delivers at-a-glance monitoring, which is not possible with PowerShell and other text-based scripting approaches. ScaleOut Object Browser enables detailed introspection on the contents of the distributed cache, including access to values for object properties.

Tags: AppFabric , data-parallel , distributed caching.


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