Facebook ad disapproved why

Last but not least — never forget about proper targeting relating to the age! It can happen that your ad will be disapproved because of grammar mistakes or bad punctuation.

Both grammar and punctuation should comply with Facebook Advertising Policies. Although this is not an obligation anymore, too much text on the image can lead to under-delivery of your ad. Therefore we strongly suggest to still follow this rule.

In an extreme case, your ads may not run at all. To check the amount of text in the image, you can use this tool. Your views. The current pandemic made many businesses start offering their products or services online which only surged the need for digital marketing skills in the Middle East.

Dubai-based platform We Speak Digital was launched to support Learn how to create successful ads on Facebook, Instagram, Messenger and the Audience Network marketing decisions in regards to creating content that works.

The course consists of: Coursebook — 3 chapters that cover Facebook News. A new type of product tagging that is currently under testing enables Instagram Business profiles to tag products in post captions.

This is an exciting feature that provides Instagram users with a new way to see your Facebook Blueprint helps those interested to learn about Facebook marketing and thus support the growth of companies. But most importantly, accurate. In the same way that errors and typos in website content can get you penalised by search engines, Facebook looks unfavorably on poor grammar and copy errors. So, edit your ads effectively and be careful about using too much slang or special characters.

Facebook wants the ads promoted on its social network to be visually engaging but not dictated by brash messaging, large text or even too much text. Essentially, so ads don't just look like ads. This was an official part of Facebook's paid social ad guidelines, before recently being relaxed. We recommend still looking to create ads with these image and text proportions in mind. Facebook's Text Overlay Tool enables you to see whether your image may have restricted reach or even get disapproved, due to the text-to-image proportion of text on your image.

You may choose to use video rather images for your Facebook ads. Not only is video the most engaging format for paid social ads , videos tend to be more permissive and are less likely to be disapproved for text overlay. Facebook ads can be rejected due to campaign targeting too. Be careful that your targeting matches the content of your ads and products. Here is a brief conversation I had when a campaign got disapproved for promoting my ICO marketing checklist.

Yes, it's frustrating to see a campaign get disapproved but it's good that the social media behemoth is protecting its users. Submitting a request for review works more often than not - especially if you stay polite and concise.

Keep in mind that most of Facebook's reviews seem to be automated and it's not worth getting upset about. Blog Tools Contact.

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A great place to monitor more detailed information about your status is on the Account Quality page on Facebook. They may also remove your Facebook account completely. On this page, you can see which ads are available for another review. For most ads, you get one try to fix the problems, follow the rules and submit for another review. In that case, you must start a new ad altogether. Not all ads receive an opportunity for another review.

The ones that get completely rejected are those that are blatantly immoral or illegal, like ads with references to hate-speech or radicalism. In that case, go back to the View Results page for the ad in question. This delivers you to the Facebook for Business knowledgebase. However, Facebook does have hundreds of specific contact forms that are very difficult to find to reach a customer support rep for certain problems.

You may even be able to get a response for slightly different concerns, as long as Facebook Ads are involved. Have questions on how to not make Facebook reject your ads? Ask in the comments section below. Joe is a Chicago-based writer focused on social media, WordPress, and eCommerce tools.

When not riding his bike in Chicago he's camping in Wisconsin. View Joe's portfolio to contact him and see past work. Grow your social media following and keep your followers engaged by sharing evergreen content from your WordPress website.

Despite its advancing age, Facebook is still a giant in the social media world. However, Facebook now offers so many options through the Facebook Ads Manager Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter have become ubiquitous in western culture, but there are always new platforms trying to rise to the surface. A "regram" is seen on a daily basis for many Instagram users - and many companies, or influencers, use regramming for high-quality, user-generated content.

What's regramming? It's the act of using someone else's Instagram photo and resharing it on Social media profiles often rank above actual websites on search engines, so you want to make sure your profiles are


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