To kill a mockingbird why is it banned
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Financial Aid. Estimate Your Cost. More Programs. College Courses in High School. School of Medicine. School of Pharmacy. Support Services. Academic Calendar. Campus Bookstore. Marshall Life. Student Organizations. Still others have taken a slightly different approach. In the book, seen as something of a follow-up to To Kill a Mockingbird , the main character Scout is shocked to spy her father at a Ku Klux Klan meeting. And in fact, his sympathy for the KKK is already present in the first book.
But it does suggest that teachers should encourage their students to think critically about Atticus, not just the men who oppose him. Catcher in the Rye is a book that pushes the boundaries. All the way from sex acts to swearing it gets very touchy at some points within the novel.
Catcher in the Rye has been banned from many schools throughout the US. According to Gradesaver,A censorship debate took place between making it the most banned book in schools. When this debate took place many teachers were fired for assigning the book to their students requiring them to read it. Most of the debates were between school boards and districts. As a neighboring district would not have the book banned as the other school district would. In a bookseller in Oklahoma City a vendor had the book up for sale but a local censorship….
Of Mice and Men is a fictional book written by John Steinbeck in The book has been banned in many schools due to racism, profanity, foul language, violence, and for seemingly promoting euthanasia. The book was usually read by high school students around the age fourteen or fifteen, however many parents have gotten upset when hearing about what their kid was reading.
Many parents have stated that this book is not age-appropriate and should not be read in school. Between the years and a total of about eleven thousand challenges were presented by parents, administrators, patrons, board members, and many others for reasons such as offensive language, violence, sexually explicit content, content that is not appropriate for the intended audience, expressed religious or political viewpoints, and many others.
About one hundred and forty three books have been banned by the U. Griffin was Those who have opposed the publishing of Killing Mr.