Topshop delivery how long

At this point i turned to my partner and said why bother saying hi to people like that. So as he put my purchase through the till he didnt offer me a bag, so i asked for one and he grunted at me like an animal. Clearly this was waaay too much effort for him. So after i had paid he handed me the bag and i waited for a "thank you" I have made an official complaint against this person because their attitude was unacceptable! This is suppose to be a flagship store, clearly the person recruiting these individuals has no idea what they are doing.

Visited this store to buy trousers after work. Spoke to three staff. I then asked the second staff if they have black and she said if it's not there then we don't have it. I looked for another person to help who said there should be a person in that department to help- which was the staff I had already spoke to. I walked out with nothing.

Unhelpful staff in a flagship store is not good for customers!! I made an appointment for my first ever Topshop personal shopper experience and was looking forward to it for 3 weeks that's the earliest I could get for the time that suited me.

When I arrived at the store, I walked up to the receptionist that was sat down on a lowered stool and said hello to her. Whilst chewing her bubblegum she asked for my name and asked me to take a seat. She continued to chew and gave me looks as if I had done something wrong. Then one of the personal shoppers walked up to her and they wer having a discussion about their hair - how damaged they are and so on. So she started brushing her hair through her fingers while other people were leaving their personal shopping experience.

Bare in mind, I am still sitting there and watching this. I was finally taken to the room and I don't know why there were 2 girls as my shoppers maybe one was helping the other or shadowing her but I was only introduced by one of them. They weren't interested in how the clothes fit or not even seeing what suits me from what they had already brought in, so basically, it's no help whatsoever, unless you need someone to bring you a different size while you are still changing.

Didn't get offered any refreshments tea, coffee, snacks etc as it happens in other personal shopping experiences, and was told we have 15 minutes left after being there for It was all very 'not personal'. I know it's Oxford Street, I know they are busy and they might not really care about what they do, however, seeing how they treat bloggers and people that promote them made this experience even worse as I got none of that. They didn't even say goodbye to me when I left - I purchased my items and they were already with other client.

One word - dissapointment! Don't waste your time, people. I only visit the store for the shoe department on the ground floor. The shop sells many brand including their own and trainers.

Personally I find the clothes overpriced considering the cheap fabrics used etc. The flagship branch is 5 floors one floor for accessories, two floors for females and the other two floors for top man :.

Skip to main content. Log in to get trip updates and message other travellers. Terrible customer service!!! My order Is this your business? Review Highlights. Reviewed 6 September Reviewed 5 March Annie S H. My order didn't arrive and no refund!!! Review of Topshop. Date of experience: June Ask Annie S H about Topshop.

See all reviews. Quick View. London Rock Music Tour. More Info. Camden Market, Borough Market and Covent The Ultimate London Fashion Experience Shop Now. Reviews Write a review. Filter reviews. Traveller rating. We got in touch with Topshop which took steps to collect your parcel via Hermes and arrange a full refund. It has also apologised. Customers are directed to information and FAQs here , where they can also email if they require further assistance. We welcome letters but cannot answer individually.

Email us at consumer. Please include a daytime phone number. Reaching the point of no returns with Topshop. It is still taking orders online but failing to deliver on customer service. Ordering online: but returns are the problem.


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