What do females smell like

It's important not to forget that your vagina also secretes pheromones that are supposed to trigger sexual interest and excitement.

Semen is really basic—it has a pH of around eight—so when you have sex, it changes the pH in the vagina to the basic side of things. The good news is that vaginas are self-cleaning and they naturally produce some discharge that helps to eject germs and bacteria out of your body, like a bouncer at the exclusive Vagina Club.

You have regular discharge , which is mostly white with a little yellow, but when it's grey or neon green or yellow, that's not good. If they find one and cannot remove it, call the health care provider to remove it. That's one of the few times a douche would be helpful , and then follow it up with some RepHresh, an over-the-counter solution that helps keep the pH levels healthy. As far as smell goes, Dr.

Minkin says, "There are times I do see women who complain of an odor, and I don't smell anything abnormal. The one thing I strongly discourage women from doing is using scented products in the vagina, because that tissue is the most delicate in the body, and the most sensitive to irritation like an allergen. A tie around your wrist might help, or a phone alert can remind you to remove a tampon. Your doctor can remove the tampon and make sure no pieces are left behind.

They can also determine if you need any additional treatment, such as an antibiotic for an infection. Typically, a vagina does a good job balancing healthy, normal bacteria with bad bacteria. From time to time, however, an imbalance can occur, and the bad bacteria may grow and upset the pH balance. BV is very common. You need antibiotics to help restore the bacterial balance in your vagina.

Keep in mind that antibiotics may make the odor from your vagina worse temporarily. If you are on antibiotics, replace the healthy bacteria by adding live yogurt to your diet. These microscopic organisms are transferred during sexual encounters, so trich is considered a sexually transmitted infection STI.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , an estimated 3. Women are more likely to be diagnosed with trich than men, and older women are more at risk than younger women. Only about 30 percent of people with this infection develop symptoms. In addition to a strong vaginal odor, these may include:. If you suspect you have a trich infection, you should make an appointment to see your doctor. A rectovaginal fistula is an abnormal opening between your rectum and your vagina.

This occurs when the lower portion of your large intestine leaks into your vagina. Bowel contents can leak through this fistula, and it may cause gas or stool to leave through your vagina. This can cause unusual odors, which you may mistake as vaginal odor. The symptoms of a rectovaginal fistula depend on where the opening is and how large it is. For example, you may notice gas, stool, or pus coming from your vagina instead of your rectum. You may just smell an unusual odor if the opening is small.

You may also develop an infection around the opening, which may lead to fever, burning, itching, and irritation. If you suspect you have a fistula, make an appointment to see your doctor. Surgery is the most common treatment for a fistula.

Most people with a fistula will require surgery. Your doctor may also prescribe antibiotics to eliminate any infection or an anti-inflammatory medicine to reduce sensitivity and irritation. You can still take steps to reduce the unwanted smell while you wait for a diagnosis.

You should:. Wash your labia and groin regularly with soap and warm water. Wear breathable fabrics, especially underwear. Cotton is the best choice. Avoid silk, satin, and polyester. Your vagina naturally releases moisture all the time. There are several things you can try at home that might help resolve that annoying smell. Avoid using any douching product or anything with dyes or a strong fragrance. Instead, when you shower or take a bath, use just a gentle soap and water to clean the area.

Avoid harsh soaps, putting anything in your vagina, or using any products with a scent. When you are done, gently pat dry. Some foods may cause a fishy or other vaginal odor. They include asparagus, broccoli, certain spices like garlic, onions, and some types of fish. If you are concerned, you can avoid these foods. A probiotic may be helpful for restoring bacterial balance in your gut and vagina. Excessive sweating may be the cause of your fishy odor.

If you are concerned about sweating, talk to your doctor. Make sure you are cleaning your vulva well after working out using a gentle soap and water, and patting dry after. Some products or activities may worsen an infection, create discharge, or cause a fishy smell.

Avoiding the following may help stop or prevent the smell:. Your vaginal smell can vary throughout your monthly cycle. Avoid douching and wash your vulva with soap and water and pat dry. They can prescribe medication or antibiotics, if needed. It might even be strong and different from the last time you paid…. Your discharge can say a lot about your health. Here's our swatch-guide to vaginal….

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Medically reviewed by Carolyn Kay, M. Other symptoms Causes Diagnosis Treatment Home remedies What to avoid Takeaway We include products we think are useful for our readers.


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