What do incident mean

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Safeopedia Explains Incident. What Does Incident Mean? Safeopedia Explains Incident Safety and health incidents are not always serious in their effects, as is the case with near misses events that could have resulted in a serious accident but all serious damage or harm was avoided.

Related Question What is the difference between a near miss and an incident? Share this Term. Let's Make Workplaces Safer! And that means, doing everything you can to reduce the likelihood of accidents occurring. Ultimately, you can never take workplace health and safety too seriously. For over a decade, Conserve has helped organisations overcome contractor management challenges.

We can help you develop a contractor management service that will be not only effective but will make your organisation safer, while minimising your overall risk. Request a demo now or visit the Conserve page for more great content. Subscribe to our newsletter Your email enter your email address Submit. I had injuries at work to my hand that require surgery to amputate finger. Would that be a Accident or Incident? Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.

Submit Comment. Defining Accidents and Incidents On the surface, they can seem to be describing the same thing, but they are, in fact, quite different.

Near miss — a narrowly avoided accident. Should We Accept that Accidents Happen? Are All Accidents Preventable? Reducing Workplace Incidents and Accidents Ultimately, every incident that occurs provides the potential for a future near miss or accident.


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